The age old question.. To Do… or Not To Do. So, we ask, should you or shouldn’t you hire your spouse?
As a business owner, it can be hard to find and maintain good employees. In a world that continues to raise the hiring wage, it can be hard to keep up. The truth is, stellar employees rarely stay around...
Can you afford to bring on a new employee to your small business? The work is rolling in and it would be helpful to have additional help, but it’s important to look at the numbers!
Tax crimes happen all the time. We only hear about the high-profile cases that involve actors, musicians and people in the public eye, but don’t let that fool you. The IRS CI is trained to follow the money, regardless of popularity.
You should be managing your books regularly, whether that be daily, weekly, or biweekly to receive the full benefit of the information your books hold.
Thanks to technology, podcasts are an excellent way to learn about running a business. Podcast topics cover a huge range of information, everything from having a profitable idea, marketing, time management, networking… You name it, a podcast covers it! If you find yourself struggling in one area, listening to a podcast can educate, direct, and inspire you to move past it.
At the end of the day, think about how you want people to do business with you. Take that information and consider the best experience for your customers. Collecting payment is an important part of your customer’s journey and it should be as seamless as possible.
So many business owners feel uncomfortable discussing payment for their product/service. They fear it makes them look needy or unprofessional. This is absolutely not true! Let’s discuss 5 things you can do today to ensure your success. DO NOT let fear get in your way!
Stop! Don’t make another business transaction until you do this one thing. It isn’t sexy, but it’s necessary!
A money challenge new business owners can face is cash flow. Cash flow can be a challenge for any business, but especially new business owners. You simply do not have much to work with.