Do You Set and Forget Your Business Goals?

Do You Set and Forget Your Business Goals?

“This year, my business is going to…”  What was your fill in the blank for your business?  What are the business goals you set out to accomplish while you were bright eyed and bushy tailed in the beginning of January?

We are assuming you didn’t fall into the trap of not setting goals at all.  We will also assume that you created manageable, realistic, specific, measurable goals that reflect what you actually want out of your business.  When the goals you set are too lofty and unrealistic, it is easy to become discouraged and get right back in the rut you were in to begin with.  Our blog post Setting Business Goals- How to make the impossible possible, is an excellent resource to get you on the right goal-setting track.

So, here’s the big question… How is it going?

Setting goals is the very first step, but it doesn’t end there.  You must go back and revisit what you have set out to do!  We all know the age old adage “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” however, there was vision and daily work done.  Stone by stone an empire was built, and so it is with your small business.  Daily work and stones built upon stones- one goal met after another- will build the business you envision.

  • As we slide into the end of the first quarter, which small goals have you accomplished? 
  • Are you writing down the top 3 priorities to accomplish every day?  
  • Have the deadlines you set for your goals been realistic? 
  • Was it necessary to pivot as you lived into your goals?  Sometimes we set business goals and then realize we were headed in the wrong direction.  It is better to adjust than to abandon your goals completely!

As you spend some time reflecting on your business goals, keep in mind that there is space for failure.  As business owners failure is a hard line to cross, and we certainly understand!  We want you to be a successful business owner making a difference in the world!  However, if you’ve worked towards a goal and it just isn’t right for your business, let it go!  Your time is valuable.  Don’t waste it!  

As the 2nd quarter begins, we encourage you to share your goals with someone you trust.  Say your goals out loud and give someone the chance to cheer you on!  As you accomplish the goals you have set out to do, reward yourself!  Take a few minutes to write down your rewards and actually follow through!  Being a business owner is a lot of hard work, but also a great pleasure.  Celebrate both!